Pedal for Kids

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Today I was doing a bit of shopping when I saw police closing streets, I knew something was going on. I took out my camera and started to record. It turned out to be the Pedal for Kids (Pedalez pour les enfants in French) Charity Bike run. They donate money to sick kids in the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Check out the website here (today was the last day of the run)

Robot Street Performer Montreal

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I was on my way to a friend’s house two days ago with my camera (since he was leaving) and I came accross this street performer. Very Cool I must say and I’m glad I had my camera, you never know when something interesting might take place.

Photo of the day – Multi Colored Dog eyes (Heterochromia)

Blue eye

Brown eye

Yesterday I went to St.Laurent Street which was open to only pedestrians and there were many happenings. However this is one that really caught my eye (Pun Intended). I saw this cute dog (His name is Rugby), which had one brown eye and one blue eye. I found this so interesting and tried to get a picture with both eyes in one shot, it was pretty hard to get Rugby to stop moving. I got the shot but his brown eye was almost shut (click on the picture to see it larger). So I took another shot of just his brown eye so you guys could see. There was a girl in back in Saudi that had the same thing, I never knew the medical term for it so today I found it. The medical term is Heterochromia.

Chilling in Wesmount Park

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Today I felt like going to Westmount Park to do a bit of writing, and chill out in the beautiful weather. The weather was a bit chilly, but very sunny. A great start for the summer. Afterwards I went on a quest to find squirrels. I found one and got pretty close to it after a bit of trying.

20 20 20 Computer Screen Rule


So I was trying to look at some of the specs on my LG monitor on and noticed that it had a feature based on a  20 20 20 Rule which I have never heard about before. Basically Ergonomics experts Reccomend that every 20 minutes you look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. So I thought this was a cool feature, however I could not anything about 20 minutes, I only found a timer for an hour on it. However Feature or not, Try to use this rule if you stare at a computer screen a lot like I do!

The Phantom Legacy Movie Being Shot in Montreal

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This was the second day of shooting in Downtown Montreal, Its for the New Phantom Legacy Movie. They are portraying New York in the movie Because they had NYPD Cars (The Day before they had New York Yellow Cabs) and The Audi S6 had New York License Plates (RA0 7671).

P.S. for the people who don’t know why they don’t film in New York, it’s because it Costs much more to close a street in New York than it does in Toronto Or Montreal. A lot of films that are suppose to be portraying New York are actually shot in Toronto Or Montreal. Off the Top of my head I know Half baked (Starring Dave Chapelle Was shot on Yonge Street in Downtown Toronto (the scene with the dying horse)

Photo of the day – Playing For Change Album

Playing for change

Today I walked into starbucks with some friends (I don’t usually go in there). Then I saw the Playing for Change Album. I instantly bought it because after seeing the video on youtube I really enjoyed it. I already ripped it and added it to my iTunes collection. The cool thing is it comes with a DVD of videos as well. Link to buy the album follows as well as the Video for Stand By Me. Please support them and buy the album it’s for a great cause!
Songs Around The World (CD + DVD) (Amazon)

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