Hosni Mubarak said to have $620 Billion in UK Gold

According to Egyptian blogger and human rights activist Wael Abbas, he obtained documents that prove Hosni Mubarak is much richer than the estimated $40 – $70 Billion that we all have been hearing in the last couple of days. In the below scanned documents, the amount of purchased gold bond is $620,000,000,000 yes that is $620 BILLION with a capital B. Who knows if this is true or not, I would believe it though considering the amount of stealing this guy does and the time he has had to do it (~30 years). Another interesting bit is that he has a UK passport. Finally after Wael posted this onto the internet, his site started getting DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service Attacks) which attempted to crash the server that runs his website. That is why he has mirrored it, and I am now mirroring it here, with the hopes of not having my server crashed. Anyways once something hits the internet, its out there and can never be hidden again.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

Uncharted Drakes Fortune

This is a great new game for Ps3. Its a adventure first person shooter, that is seriously one of the best games of all time. I’ve only played it for a couple of hours, however it is indeed very amusing. How you ask? Well its certainly more realistic than most games, yes it is not 100% realistic in the amount of shots it takes to kill you, but its very realistic in every other sense. Also the graphics are truly astounding and make this game a visual treat. Another tiny detail that i really thought added to the realism is when you die, the game actually shows what happened exactly, not just another generic cut scene like in most games. Thanks to Hassan who bought this game and was very eager about it, or else i would not have known about it. This game came out on the 19th in Canada, supposedly though it was scheduled for the 20th so we picked it up a day early and didn’t face any “sold out” issues. I seriously believe that this game has set a new level for gaming, like max payne did on pc some years ago.