Skype doesn’t like Iran?

I was on the on the dlink’s middle east contact page when i found that the skype plugin highlighted all numbers except the ones in iran, i find this weird as you can use skype to call iran, what they don’t like it?

Happy New Year


I feel 2008 will be a great year, so lets all try to make it a great one!

Digg Has the Power!

If you don’t know you probably live under a rock! I knew about it, but didn’t think it would be useful, as in I already have a bookmark features in Firefox. But I decided it was a great option for when I’m not using my computer (and also to keep my bookmarks uncluttered) and found something interesting, also at the same time you get to see what others find interesting. Finally can help out webmasters like myself. When I think i write a post that other digg users find interesting, I digg it hoping I will get responses and traffic ;). But at the same time I make sure the post has something of interest and not just spamming the site. As you know I’m digging this post, so let me know what you think, and your experiances with digg and if its helped you as a webmaster!

Digg sucks, and is controlled. Reddit is better!

Vista Networking Woes!

Networking Problems Vista

ok so we all know that there are bugs in vista, but the most annoying one for me, is to do with networking, yeah they fixed a lot of network issues from xp, like making faster (at least i feel it is) anyways what annoys me is when vista adds numbers to the end of network names for no reason, which confuses a lot of things (See picture), and somtimes even thinks its connected to two networks at the same time and then the internet doesnt work when it thinks its connected to two networks, that happened to me with a wired connection. Please digg this so we can get someones attention at microsoft, i hope it does, please leave comments, i know you can merge and delete connections but that has no use because they keep coming back (Click The Image to get the full size)

Ps: all those network ssid’s are infact the same one, even the one im connected to, linksys6 wtf?  I contacted Microsoft about this, and they said they can’t guarantee it will be addressed since only one person complains

Heroes Widget

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="350" height="380" wmode="transparent" /]

Daylight Savings Time Over

Remember to change your clocks/watches/cellphones/pdas and anything else I missed, so you don’t mess up and miss out on anything you were suppose to show up for lol… 😀